Monday, January 11, 2010

How time flies!!!

Have you ever sat back and wondered how time flies. Every second which ticks on your favorite clock kept on a table or has become your daily companion on your bedside actually tells you that every second passed is every second spent in your whole life. And all the more it conveys that it is spent and can never be retrieved ever again. This irreversible phenomenon in life is something not all of us observe and understand the holistic message the time sends to one and all born on this voluminous planet.

Well the next question is whether this time spent is worth the time spent life-time, then you have your say. However not many of us realize that we are wasting everyday of our life pondering on things and during this process we are actually losing precious time of our life. If the review on your day reports that you have had a stressful , non- welcoming day, did not have any fun, did not accomplish anything, then you have your answer right there.Its another lost piece of precious life in the path of your journey towards the final destination of death.

Well, now that we understand the value of time, let us look at possibilities of utilizing the time to the fullest ( if not fullest, atleast the ones which is in our control ). Let us look at our day to day activities and pre-plan accordingly.

-> First and foremost, how about an exotic idea on noting down the high priority things for the day :) Well I know it becomes tedious to write or too lazy to open out a white paper and a pen to write those mere sentences, just when we know its running in our head. But what you do not know is the worth spent on writing, be it on your white paper or on a Tasks window of Outlook ( Go Green revolution ).

->Prioritize even if it means some 30seconds task
-> Follow-up the prioritized list and mark a closure against the ones completed
-> Now when you are left with some tasks which have external dependencies which are not in your control, re-prioritize according to that external affecting factor
-> Last but not the least, when you are left with nothing to do and you have ample time just re-create or exhibit your hidden talent. You will realize that it was not the time which passed by worthy but you unleash your hidden traits too

One of the worst habits a person can continue to hold on to is procrastination. This is the only infectious and endangered habit which none of us actaully realize its effects until the time is lost. So dont delay , think proactively and get your time run behind you and not vice-versa.

Afterall Time walks with you only when you walk past it. Sounds Ironic? But revisit my thoughts and you will know why :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year-New Dreams

Before I pen down my first blog of the new decade, let me wish all my friends a very happy new year. May this new year light new thoughts, ambitions, dreams and sparkle prosperity in everybody's life.

As humans, some learn from the past experiences and some dont. Yet, the past experience leaves a mark in everybody book of thought where one or the other day, we revisit those sublime memories. These memories which carry a pinch of salt or sugar depends on the experience the person would have had.

On that note, I start afresh with some interesting thoughts. Life always welcomes you with surprises. Yet as humans, we tend to keep dreaming and moulding our dreams according to the current situations, which is good. In order to reach goals, you need to continue to dream and strive towards making it come true too.

2009 has had its own share of good and bad things. But if we revisit the world as a whole, the socio-economic gloom had resided on almost everybody across the world. It shattered many dreams and families. It brought about some learnings in every aspect of socio-economic life of an individual. We cannot change the past, and future holds its own surprises, but what really is in our control is our present. Treading the right path with some past experiences as our vehicle, we have to move forward and cherish our dreams. There is a saying " Best knowledge comes from bad experiences". Hence we need to experience the negative effects of life to face the positive effects in the future. I would halt here to proceed with my next blog with a more specific and interesting topic :)